We offer the best, most competitive rates in the industry.

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Over five decades of collector car experience.

Buying a collector car or perhaps you’ve finally decided to invest in a luxury car you can enjoy? Obtaining financing for your new classic car can bring about frustration because many automobile lenders do not understand the true value of these timeless art pieces.

With over five decades of experience in the collector car industry, we can help turn your dream of owning a classic car into a reality. DSC Financial is committed to making your purchase as quick, easy and friendly as possible.

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Fill out an easy instant online credit application now or download our Adobe Acrobat (PDF) application and fax it back for a quick approval! Call, email or visit us today!

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Why should you finance from DSC Financial?

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Custom simple interest financing terms up to 96 months tailored to fit your personal needs.

Any Year, Make, Model, or Mileage up to 96 months.

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No sales associate commissions – bypass the middle man.

We have a very low overhead, which means that you don’t have to pay the premium prices.

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By having representatives in all major markets, we are enabled to buy as well as sell vehicles for less.

Nationwide lender’s market allows us to shop the terms outside your trading area.

Just tell us about the vehicle of your choice, and let our financing professionals go to work for you. We will have all the information you need forwarded to you by fax or email within minutes.

Our staff consists of proven professionals with proven track records, who have financed thousands of pre-owned luxury vehicles. Now is the time to pass on the savings to our customers interested in a new vehicle.